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   1976 Publication vs
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Comparing this calculator to the actual 1976 Standard Atmosphere tables

U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976 Publication:

Below are three tables that were extracted from the actual publication by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the United States Airforce in Washington, D.C., October 1976. In this case we chose an arbitrary value of 3000 m for Z.'s 1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator

Below are the corresponding values using's 1976 Standard Atmosphere calculator. We typed in 3000 in the Geometric Altitude (Z) field in meters to set the calculator. Note that almost all the values are the same down to the last decimal point for most of the properties. The few discrepancies found are errors in the actual publication and not our calculator.

There are minor discrepancies due to rounding error in the order of 0.008% or less and one large discrepancy due to an error in the actual publication.


Actual Publication

Our Site's Calculator Difference % Explanation
a 3000 3000 0 exactly the same
b 2999 2999 0 exactly the same
c 268.659 268.659 0 exactly the same
d -4.491 -4.491 0 exactly the same
e 268.659 268.659 0 exactly the same
f 7.0121e+2 7.0121e+2 0 exactly the same
g 5.2595e+2 5.2595e+2 0 exactly the same
h 6.9204e-1 6.9204e-1 0 exactly the same
i 9.0925e-1 9.0925e-1 0 exactly the same
j 7.4225e-1 7.4225e-1 0 exactly the same
k 9.7974 9.7974 0 exactly the same
l 7871.4 7871.4 0 exactly the same
m 1.8905e+25 1.8905e+25 0 exactly the same
n 443.15 443.15 0 exactly the same
o 4.9588e+9 4.9588e+9 0 exactly the same
p 8.9367e-8 8.9367e-8 0 exactly the same
q 28.964 28.964 0 exactly the same
r 328.58 328.58 0 exactly the same
s 1.6938e-5 1.6938e-5 0 exactly the same
t 9.4656e-1 9.4656e-1 0 exactly the same
u 1.8628e-5 1.8628e-5 0 exactly the same
v 1.2752e+0 1.2753e+0 0.008% rounding error in publication
w 2.3813e-5 2.3779e-2 997% error in publication
x 9.3891e-1 9.3892e-1 0.001% rounding error in publication

In this example you can see that our calculator precisely adheres to the standards outlined by the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976 publication.

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