Using the Density Altitude Calculator
Example 1:
If the pressure altitude is 2050 ft and the temperature is 15oC. What is the density altitude?
Begin by highlighting the field that corresponds to pressure altitude in ft.
Enter the 2050 value.
Now highlight the field that corresponds to the temperature in oC.
Enter the 15 value for the temperature.
The remaining field is the density altitude. Press "Eval" and read the answer 4763 ft on (a). You also get a result in meters in (b).
Example 2:
If the pressure altitude is 3400 ft how high can the temperature rise before the density altitude is 5000 ft?
Begin by highlighting the field that corresponds to the density altitude in ft.
Type in 5000 for the density altitude.
Now highlight the field that corresponds to the pressure altitude in ft.
Type in 3400 for the density altitude.
The remaining field is the temperature. Press "Eval" and read the answer 71.9 oF on (a). You also get a result of 22.2 oC in (b).